I’m super excited to unveil two new pieces of functionality here on the Molten Sulfur Blog!
The first is that the back catalog is now vastly more searchable. There’s a search bar on every page: in the sidebar on desktop and at the bottom of the page on mobile. On the results page, you can easily filter your results by categories to find exactly the content you need for your game tonight. You can also skip the search and just filter everything by categories on the ‘Back Catalog’ page accessible from the menu at the top of your screen. Note that to read anything older than a year you’ll need to back me on Patreon for two dollars a month, but that seems a very fair price to me. My hope is that when you’re casting about for NPCs, adventures, and inspiration for your next RPG session you’ll come here and start filtering by relevant categories. With 250+ posts, I want to be the first place you go when you need material for your games!
The second is that these blog posts now have comments sections, which I encourage you to use to share your thoughts or talk with me! You don’t need to back me on Patreon to leave a comment, but you do need to log in with a Patreon account. I will need to manually review your first comment before it’s visible to others, but after that what you comment should be immediately visible. Obviously I’ll delete and block anybody who’s being a jerk.
The site’s also been cleaned up, loads much faster, and runs on a completely different backend. You can thank Steve Radabaugh of Radical Bomb Technology. Steve’s been absolutely phenomenal. I’d recommend him to anyone!